Thursday, 19 August 2010

Shardinay's offered management contract worth £250,000

Shardinay's a YouTube star - Ilford Recorder 24 (Article)

View All Photos | Shardinay
OVERNIGHT internet R n B sensation Shardinay King has been dubbed the "Marmite" of pop music - you either love her or you hate her. But with 93,000 YouTube views in the last month alone, it appears Shardinay may have the last laugh over her critics.

The single mum-of-two, of Goodmayes Avenue, Goodmayes, has been approached by two major management companies, and a deal could result in her pocketing a staggering £250,000. Despite earning the accolade of worst song of 2010, Shardinay, 30, remains upbeat: "I can't understand why I am hated so much. I just have to laugh at the awful comments I hear."

Shardinay wrote most of her music while on lunch breaks at the central London shop where she worked as a retail manager. Although dubious about performing in public at first, Shardinay's two daughters, aged 6 and 9, heard her singing in the shower and encouraged her to air her musical talent.
Her single, Ex-boyfriend, is about the break-up of her previous relationship, and she admits although the topic is a cliché, she finds writing music therapeutic.
"I didn't want my first song to be about a true story but I guess it just happened that way," she says. "It was such a relief to get it all out of my system."

She recently enjoyed her first taste of fame after being recognised while out with friends in Ilford. "Two weeks ago I was in Nandos when a group of girls asked for my picture and autograph," she says. "My friends thought it was hilarious, they were joking with me to hurry up and finish my chicken! I have also been spotted when I'm out clubbing with my friends - it's surreal."

Shardinay hopes to have achieved stardom in the next five years, but until then she plans to take every day as it comes. For details of upcoming gigs and news visit
View All Photos | Shardinay


Anonymous said...

Two things that shock me: 1) the fact that she has a record deal when she CANNOT sing 2) the fact that she's 30... Even less of an excuse to be so gassed loool

Matthew said...

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