"For two days, employees at a beer distribution company puzzled over why an easy-going co-worker with no history of violence would go on a rampage, fatally shooting eight men and wounding two others before killing himself. Then, the shooter himself told them why.
In a chilling, 4-minute 911 call, Omar Thornton told a police dispatcher how he sought to avenge racial discrimination through the shootings Tuesday at Hartford Distributors Inc. in Manchester. "You probably want to know the reason why I shot this place up," Thornton said in a recording released Thursday. "This place is a racist place.
They're treating me bad over here. And treat all other black employees bad over here, too. So I took it to my own hands and handled the problem. I wish I could have got more of the people." Thornton, 34, went on his killing spree moments after he was forced to resign when confronted with video evidence that he had been stealing and reselling beer."
Audio : Police conversation with Omar

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