Story by : Britanie Mote
Basically, I've got quite a large family and a lot of us are around the same age range. This is a blessing and a curse. I'm close to a lot of my female cousins and I regularly get threatened and abused by my over protective male cousins. e.g a few years ago I was hospitalised for having a boyfriend.
The thing is we have A LOT of females in our family. My mum alone has 5 girls and one boy. Girls just run in the whole family.So where there are so many girls, the guys are SPOILT c*nts and they are used to being treated like royalty. If we stepped out of line the boys would lock us in a room and thump us. This ranged from anything from being on the fone to a boy to them hearing stories. Sooooo. You know what happens to girls when they're restricted so much when they're younger right? THEY GO WILD.
I must admit every girl in my family went through a stage of rebellion in her own way. Me and my sisters rebelled by going raving 24/7, smoking weed and eventually moving out. BUT some females in my family rebelled by becoming hoes. Not just hoes but JEZEBELS, HARLOTS, C*M-FACES. Etc. Honestly a few cousins of mine have done some wild things,one of them even became an "adult film star".
Anyway for the purpose of this story we will call this cousin 'chips'. (I'm hungry) So me and chips were very close from birth. Her dad and my dad are brothers so we basically lived in each others houses. As we grew into our teen lifes we rebelled together but then grew apart because I got into a long term relationship @ 14. But she wanted to live the harlot life style :( I believe she's famous in her area for mashing 3 brothers in one night?
Being the good Samaritan that I am I didn't dis own her, I tried to give her good advice and bring her under my wing, she was like a sister. I'm not going to lie I had a really rough time getting over him. He was my first and we'd been together for SO long. So now me and 'chips' are getting closer and closer again because I'm lonely and she's my cousin so she's giving me advice etc etc. She then suggested that she hooks me up with one of her guys from east. At first I refused. But this dumb bitch gave my number anyway. This boy started calling me EVERYDAY with out fail. I reckon he even fell in love with me via phone. Untill the day we saw each other.. I don't know how it happened. I think he did voodoo on me. But me and this guy ended up in a relationship, eventually he grew on me.
Me and him were together for about 6 months when I realised the dynamics between him and my cousin weren't correct. He would be on the phone to her at 4am at times and he would go to her house when I weren't there etc etc. But me like a dickhead I thought let me ignore it, I can't say much because SHE hooked us up. So now one day I casually go to his house since I was in the area. I knock on his door now and he's mums moving mad shifty. This was weird cos me and his mum were homies. But she still let me in. She told me my boyfriend wasn't in and she made me a cup of tea. All of a sudden all I hear is *urggjhjhkjhj yeaaaa groans* (that's all I can describe it as) coming from upstairs. I'd recognise that sound anywhere yo.
That sound was someone getting that good shit. His little brothers are both under 7, so i highly doubted the noice was coming from them and if it was, thats a WHOLE other story. I just put my cup of tea down. Grabbed my jacket and like a lady I walked out. I considered throwing a brick @ his window but I'm a lady so i composed myself.
These times I went home without knowing my cousin was upstairs doing the deed with my boyfriend. I remember calling her a MAD amount of times to rant. Obviously I didn't know she was mashing my BF. All the calls I made to her were diverted or were unanswered. By this point I realised something was up but I never guessed she was mashing him I thought maybe she knew who was? She's always been one dodgy bitch why didn't I see this coming? Damn.
When I eventually spoke to her and told her what happened she started acting wierd.. She kept changing the subject. Oh yeah I didn't mention that a week before that she had told me about how she mashed one guy and he bust inside her 7 times in one night. #BareBack. Now i'm convinced my cousin knows who was sexing my boyfriend while I was downstairs .Being the lady that I am. I left it as that. I told them both TO THE LEFT, TO THE LEFT.
A few weeks later we hear the news my cousin 'chips' is pregnant. This is no shock. At the age of 17 she already had 3 abortions this was no secret. The family calls a meeting for the adults only. But that day my mum had taken me out to eat n she was running late 2 the meeting. So my mum decides to take me. THIS IS WHY GOD IS REAL.
When I think of the way the following scene of events happened I just shake my head. It can only be God. So we get to my cousins house now and I already know its about her being pregnant again. I heard she was keeping it this time. What I didn't know was that myfamily had summoned the baby-father and his family.
Can you remember that at this point I still didn't know that this harlot had been sleeping with my boyfriend?

So I walk into the house with a smile on my face getting ready to have a home-cooked meal
I didn't want to be involved in the meeting. I went straight to the kitchen. Not giving a f*ck, my mind concentrating on finding something to eat.
THIS IS EXACTLY HOW IT HAPPENED..I had some plaintain in hand, I remember I took a bite when I hear a guys voice shouting 'what the f*ck man'. At first I got up getting ready to squash that plantain in the guys eye. NO ONE talks to my family like that. Then I was like hold up. I recognise that voice? My heart skipped a beat.
These times I didn't know what to do. I just got up and ran into the living room , when I did , I saw my boyfriend and his mum sitting there. He was crying.
If you saw the expression on his face when he saw me. He looked as if he was seeing a snowman on a hot day. I don't even know what took over me at this point, I just started swinging punches. I even pushed my mum without realising. These times I'm running to one side of the room and trying to punch him then I'm running to the other side and trying to slap my cousin.
Remember I said all the males in my family are not ok in the head? A few of my male cousins who I had been chilling with in the kitchen heard the commotion. They just casually came into the room. NO QUESTIONS ASKED, they just started swinging for this guy. When I say they f*cked him up. One of them was treating his head like a trampoline. None of the adults new what was happening because obviously none of them knew he was my ex.
By this point I was focused on kicking my cousins stomach. People know that when I'm angry I loose all sense. To this day I still don't know who called the police. My cousin had ran out of the house screaming so I guess she asked someone to call 999. I thank God I didn't get arrested that day.The last thing I hear not too long ago is that she's had the baby. Good luck to them. Therefore, when I say I haven't had a boyfriend in the year 2010 and you ask me why, I'll say 'long story'. This is the story.
Follow the writer @Mrs_GoGetter on Twitter
lol what a bitch
trust no one
That was jokes. squash the plantain PMSL
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