What did Nicki Minaj do to deserve this?!??!
Don't answer that.
Jasmine Mans got really deep on this though. I don't fully agree with everything she says but it certainly is intriguing and evokes emotion.
Do you think Nicki Minaj lacks integrity and had to sleep around t get to where she is at? Is this really a secret? Does she have anything to be ashamed of? Or does the money justify the means?

I don't think she's trying to hate on Nicki,
what I'm getting from this is that it’s sad that Nicki has sold her soul, and is presenting herself as whorish barbie in exchange for money. This may not actually be what Nicki is like (represented by the fact that she's saying 'you are a queen').
I think she's just saying to her you should know that you’re better than that. I mean the way Nicki carries herself, the things she says, if this was a normal girl on the street she would be branded a 'slut' but the word slut is subjective I don't support the use of the word anyway. The way I see it, if you had a friend who was portraying themselves as 'loose' etc, you may try and sit her down and TELL THEM THE TRUTH tough love, and tell them that their worth so much better than that, I think that’s what Jasmin is doing.
As a 20 year old I can dance to Nicki’s music and just take it for what it is, I’ve been brought up better that to think going around calling myself a Barbie and portraying myself as dumb to look cute is okay, but others are easily influenced especially little girls, and the sad thing is that you see little girls imitating ‘Nicki Minaj’ and I have a feeling that Nicki Minaj is not actually the dumb barbie she portrays in real life.
Looks like she has quite a package under those panties... not good Nicki!!!
theres nothing wrong with a fat pussy
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