Saturday, 24 July 2010

World's Cheapest Laptop: India's £23 iPad Spinoff

What can you do with £23 quid? Here in The United Kingdom you can watch Inception three times, but in in India you can buy iPad's cheaper sister.

Kapil Sibal, the human resource development minister of India announced that they are producing a $35 dollar laptop that looks strangely similar to the popular iPad.  The devise is said to have a touch screen to be available for sale in 2011.  Plans to mass produce this device will make cheap computers available for students.

Just like the iPad, India's laptop will also be complete with applications, a PDF reader, video conferencing facilities and also with the options to add supplemental components.  The device is Linux-based fully equipped with a memory card with a tablet design and they were even speaking about dropping the prices further.  The introduction of such a reasonably priced personal technology platform will change many elements in their education for the better and the students will be looking forward to their first touchscreen toy with a modest pricetag.

1 comment:

Nadwah Dunya Awad said...

I cannot even lie. It looks like it could be a decent product but not a competitor of the iPad. Thanks for sharing this info. :D By the way I was reading through your blog. you have great blog posts. Keep it up.
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