Friday, 11 June 2010

Apple geeks conduct 'iPad wedding'

A pair of Apple-obsessed fans have conducted the ultimate geek wedding by incorporating an iPad, along with Twitter and Facebook, into the ceremony.

In a move that probably takes an appreciation of Apple and their products just that little bit too far, the vicar conducting the ceremony uses Apple's tablet to read out the vows.

Not content with simply having the vows read from an iPad, the groom then proceeds to halt proceedings at the critical moment to whip out his iPhone and 'update his Facebook and Twitter status'

The bride stands patiently by while her husband-to-be snaps a quick photo, before he finally tears himself away from his iPhone to lean in and kiss his bride.
See the excruciating clip in all its glory below, along with a choice selection of wedding photos featuring, you guessed it, an iPad. 
Romantic or.......?

jobs ipad Pictures, Images and Photos

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where is the romance in that? Oh goodness. That's just too far.